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Tom Cat Spay and Neuter Drapes don’t allow strikethrough. Their unique design is comprised of two distinct materials – one of which collects blood and body fluids generated by the procedure and the other – the bottom layer – prevents those fluids from passing through to the patient.

Your Spay-Neuter drapes look like this?

If so, time to replace!

And does fluid strikethrough them? If so, the drape is beyond its useful life. If there’s no fluid barrier, the drape is of no clinical value in preserving the sterile field from the non-sterile patient beneath. If fluids can pass through, so can every microorganism on the patient’s body!

Muslin Drape Close with Water Strikethrough

Bleachable, Autoclavable –
Always looks new

Tom Cat Spay and Neuter Drapes can be washed in hot water with bleach, autoclaved, and won’t lose color or stain (as has your current spay-neuter drape). Both the critical barrier and absorbent woven fabrics will last at least 100 uses, making the cost pennies per use. Never use a filthy, stained drape with holes in it on a sterile procedure ever again!

Top layer – Absorbs

Bottom – Barrier

The darker woven fabric around the fenestration picks up blood and body fluids from the procedure; the bottom (patient side layer) is a fluid barrier, which prevents fluid strikethrough to the patient.

Offered in a variety of sizes, both external dimensions and fenestrations

AHS Item # Description Size Case Qty;
10-500 Neuter Drape Small 28×28”, 1×2” Fenestration Small 5
10-501 Spay Drape Small 28×28”, 1×4” Fenestration Small 5
10-502 Spay Neuter Drape Medium 28×40” 1×4” Fenestration Medium 5
10-503 Spay Neuter Drape Large 28×50” 1×6” Fenestration Large 5
10-510 Drape Small Procedure/Ophthalmic 28×28”, 3” Round Fenestration Small 5
10-520 Assortment Pack – 1 of each size Assortment 1

Impervious Fluid Barrier

– will not strike through

Absorbent Pad around Fenestration

Is backed by the grey impervious fluid barrier to prevent strikethrough

Offered in a variety of sizes, both
external dimensions and fenestrations

Custom Sizes Available for 10 or more:
Send dimensions to

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