Showing 10–18 of 18 results
10-050-2840 Drape Small Procedure w/Adhesive Poly Film 28×40″
10-050-3030 Drape Small Procedure w/Adhesive Poly Film 30×30″
10-055 Drape, Spay Neuter Sterile VetSx-28×48″ – Cut your own Fenestration
10-060 Drape, Sterile Canine Arthroscopy Drape w/pouch 76×120″
10-061 Drape, Canine Ortho Split with Tape 76×100″
10-090 Pouch for Drape, Fluid Collection, Attachable 43×35″ Sterile
10-100 Drape TPLO Airtight Seal 76×104″ Sterile
10-110 Drape Sterile Elbow/Stifle Bi-Lateral Airtight – Small
10-111 Drape Sterile Elbow/Stifle Bi-Lateral Airtight – Standard