Fluid Barriers & AAMI Standards
Establishing a fluid barrier between the non-sterile environment and the sterile field is probably the single most-controllable aspect of maintaining good sterile technique. And yet, most veterinary practices incorporate less than adequate barriers by using worn out...
AHS introduces new sterilization wrappers & pouches
The Problem: Sterilization wrappers with no fluid barrier are of no clinical benefit. If your outer wrap is a muslin or cotton wrap, your technique is not up to standard. Your inner ‘paper’ wrap is only one barrier layer – and that’s not good enough. Every time it’s...
Veterinary Draping 101
Key to establishing the patient component of the sterile field is the surgical draping technique utilized. Most veterinary surgeons have been trained in a simplified draping approach. Vet Surgery 'Four Corner Draping' Generally, veterinary surgical draping utilizes...
Surgical Site Infections – Better drape materials can help prevent
The CDC stipulates that microbial contamination of the surgical site is a necessary precursor to SSI. How might microbes find their way to the surgical site? It turns out, there are a variety of routes in. Any veterinary surgeon knows that dog fur is resplendent with...
Surgical asepsis – Human v Veterinary
CDC Recommendations for minimizing Surgical Site Infections Surgical asepsis, attained by Sterile Technique, is the perfect condition for surgery. By definition, this sterile field, if properly and procedurally constructed for each and every surgical patient, means...
How Sterile is Your Field?
How Sterile is your Field? If you’re autoclaving muslin drapes or stacking multiple single-use drapes (including towels), the field you’re creating to operate within may not be quite as sterile as you think. Standards for establishment of the sterile field are set by...
Diffusive Blue Side Technology
Diffusive Blue Side Technology A BAJA exclusive, the warmest blankets available in veterinary medicine BAJA Blue means uniform warming, all over your patients’ bodies. Veterinary blankets in use before BAJA release warm air through pin holes. Our patented, Diffusive...