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Along with the drapes on the patient, the gown in veterinary surgery prevents the surgery team from contaminating the sterile field and patient below. But mainly the gown is a blood barrier for the surgeon. It must stop blood from penetrating but must also – as veterinary surgeries are becoming more complex and lengthy – be comfortable enough to wear for an hour or more in a confined operating room, which may also be warmed by convective air blowing onto the patient to prevent hypothermia.
If your current gown is striking through, you may need more protection. Sterile Field offers gowns with three levels of protection, for light duty surgery to the bloodiest soft tissue cases. But breathability is key: a gown must be breathable but also provide the appropriate degree of fluid barrier protection for the amount of fluid forecast for any particular procedure. Both orthopedic and soft tissue procedures generate significant amounts of fluid; accordingly, reinforced gowns are often used on these procedures. Reinforcement panels also limit breathability and are therefore too warm for some practitioners on longer procedures.

SMS nonwoven – breathable barrier

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